Send Big G a Valentine - Ticket GiveAway
10:05 AM
Big Gigantic's new album "The Night is Young" dropped today (available for free download HERE), so we think we need to send them a little love. With a tour stop at Skyway Theater in Minneapolis on 2/14 (Valentine's Day), what better way to celebrate than to send Jeremy and Dom a Valentine.
Just "Share" this pic and send Big G a little love, and be entered for a chance to win 2 tickets to share the love filled evening with the Big G family.
Just so we are clear, here's what to do.
Step 1: Like MN Underground and Bi gGigantic on either FB or Twitter
Step 2: Share the Valentine
Step 3: Add hash tag #BigGiganticLove
*make sure you like (Facebook) or follow (Twitter) MNUnderground and BigG to qualify
FYI: Extra shares/tweets/IG posts = extra entries...